CBD for Migraine?
You’ve already tried several medications to relieve your discomforts from migraines. A migraine may cause intense throbbing pain or a pulsing feeling on one side of the brain, typically on one side. It’s also accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and low light and sound sensitivity.
Furthermore, migraine symptoms can last anywhere from hours to days, and the pain can be intense enough to prohibit you from going about your everyday activities. Since migraine headaches are so common and debilitating, many clinical studies have been done to find an effective cure to reduce migraines’ frequency and relieve the pain.
There’s a lot of things you can do to ease the pain from migraines, such as home remedies, lifestyle improvements, and CBD. But before diving into how CBD helps people with migraines, let’s first understand migraines.
Causes of Migraine
While the exact causes of migraines are unclear, genetics and environmental factors tend to play a role. Migraines are yet to be definitively related to a cause. They have discovered, however, several contributing factors that can trigger the disease.
Furthermore, if you have a migraine, your doctor might suggest that you keep a headache log. Identifying your migraine causes can be as easy as writing down what you were doing, what foods you consumed, and what drugs you were taking before your migraine started. Here are some of the factors that causing or triggering migraines.
Hormonal Changes
As it’s been stated, the precise causes of migraines are unclear. Genetics and environmental influences, on the other hand, are likely to play a role.
Researchers haven’t identified a definitive reason for migraines. It has discovered, however, several contributing factors that can trigger the disease. It includes changes in brain chemicals, such as a decrease in levels of the brain chemical serotonin.
It’s likely that improvements in the brainstem and its connections with the trigeminal nerve, a major pain pathway, are to blame. Unbalances in brain chemicals, such as serotonin, which helps the nervous system control pain, may also play a role.
Certain foods and food additives may be more likely than others to cause migraines. Migraines can be caused by several causes, including alcohol and caffeinated beverages. It happens when you drink too much caffeine and then go through withdrawal symptoms. The side effects can be severe, often even more so than a headache or migraine.
Furthermore, food additives such as nitrates (a preservative used in cured meats), aspartame (an artificial sugar), and monosodium glutamate (MSG) tyramine, which is found naturally in some foods, may trigger migraines.
Dangers of Migraine
People who suffer from chronic migraines are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety disorders from depression. People who experience stress in their daily lives are more likely to suffer from migraines and vice versa.
Often a single drug (often an antidepressant) is effective for both conditions; other times, people need different treatments, such as migraine drugs and anxiety disorder behavioral therapy.
Several studies have discovered a correlation between blood clot-caused strokes and migraines with aura, the visual or other sensory symptoms that often precede the actual migraine attack.
Migraine, particularly migraine with aura, is mainly a female disorder, and women have a lower risk of stroke than men, even though the risk doubles, it remains deficient. Even so, by managing good blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels and not smoking, you can reduce the risk even more.
Problems with Bowel Movement
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and migraines are frequently linked with each other. According to doctors, headaches and digestive issues are thought to be caused by the same nervous system changes. People with IBS often experience diarrhea and constipation, and they might often feel bloated or as though they need to go to the toilet all of the time.
Problems with EyeSight
Some migraines cause vision loss or changes for a limited time. Other, less common forms cause drooping eyelids and enlargement of the pupils. They’re followed by double vision, which can last for weeks after the head pressure goes away.
Rapidly firing neurons cause acute attacks of symptoms, accompanied by periods of symptom-free time, as seen in chronic migraines and the seizure disorder epilepsy. People with epilepsy can experience seizures as a result of migraines. Also, anti-seizure drugs are often ineffective in people with both conditions.
What is CBD?
After knowing what causes and dangers are accompanied by migraines, let’s focus our attention on this fast-rising treatment for migraines. There’s no doubt that CBD is the hottest lifestyle trend right now. If you live in a state where CBD is currently legal, you may feel as if it has suddenly gone from being kind of around to being completely everywhere.
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as marijuana or hemp. It’s a naturally occurring drug used in things like oils and edibles to provide a sense of peace and relaxation.
Furthermore, CBD is not psychoactive, unlike its counterpart, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the key active ingredient in marijuana.
Effects of CBD on the Body
CBD is suitable for medicinal use due to its non-psychoactive properties. It helps with anxiety, stress, depression, and physical ailments and treating various types of epilepsy. There is also plenty of evidence to back up these arguments.
CBD, for example, has been related to a lower risk of heart complications, including heart attacks and strokes, in one study. A dose of the compound decreased patients’ appetite in another short-term trial.
CBD and Migraine
There are many products available in the market that contains CBD, and one of the most used for migraines is CBD Oil. Regularly taking CBD oil can help to restore endocannabinoid tone, which may help to minimize migraines.
In addition to that, experts suggest beginning with a low dose and gradually raising it while using CBD for the first time. You can also keep a log to see if CBD is helping you with your symptoms.
CBD can also help with pain by promoting the endocannabinoid system, or ECS, according to experts. Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters that interact with cell receptors in the body. It generates a feedback loop that controls nearly every system in the body, modulating pain perception, mood, appetite, inflammation, and other factors.
You should not take migraine lightly because it is a severe disorder. If you’ve tried anything and still can’t find the proper treatment, look into CBD products. However, it would be best if you always used caution when using it because it could have unintended consequences. Also, remember only to use what is recommended.