How To Sleep Well When You Have Back Pain?
We all know that sleeping is an important component of our overall health and well-being. When we sleep, we recharge our physical bodies and our energy, emotion, and intellect. Many factors affect the quality of our sleep, such as diet, environment, and exercise. For people who already have back pain, these factors can be even more critical to make sure they get a good night’s rest.
Furthermore, back pain can be minor to severe, and it can linger for a short time or for a long time. However, it can be debilitating and interfere with practically every everyday living area, including sleep, when it is severe.
Also, the link between pain and sleep is complicated. Pain can make it difficult to sleep, and poor sleep can make it more likely for a person to be in pain. Below are some tips on how to sleep well when you have back pain.
Choose A comfortable Mattress And Pillows
A springy old mattress might exacerbate back pain. A super-firm bed, on the other hand, might not be the ideal option. And a slumber party on a futon or couch may not be the best use of your money. Also, make sure that you have an adjustable mattress and some pillows that allow for proper neck support. Finally, when your bed starts to sag, replace it every eight years for ideal firmness, or acquire a mattress topper for support.
Sleeping Position
Sleeping on your side is a comfortable position that reduces strain on the spine. However, it may be uncomfortable if you’re overweight, pregnant, or having breathing issues. Having a pillow between your legs and under your knees can also help prevent pressure on the lower back.
If sleeping on your side isn’t possible for any reason, try sleeping on your stomach with a pillow under each arm (or not at all). Keep in mind that nobody sleeps perfectly still—even when you’re entirely motionless while lying down, you’ll find yourself turning every few minutes.
Find Relaxation Method
Finding ways to relax can help you get into the correct frame of mind for sleep, allowing you to focus less on your discomfort. You can schedule a time for you to relax or do something that makes your mind and body relax. For example, some individuals find that regular exercise helps with relaxation.
Try Aromatherapy
Lightly scent your bedroom. If you have a favorite essential oil, use it:
- Play music while you shower.
- Add a few drops to your bathwater.
Scents that are soothing and calming include lavender, ylang-ylang, cloves, and vetivert. Some people find that an aromatherapy diffuser with a light scent added to their bedroom at night makes them relax and sleep better.
Elevate Your Legs
If you’re having trouble finding a comfortable back posture in bed, consider lifting your legs with some pillows. This change in sleeping position will take the pressure off your spine, and it may also make your mattress feel more comfortable.
Furthermore, the general rule of thumb for pillows is to use 2-4 per person, so if you’re pouring alone, place two pillows underneath your legs. Laying on a hard surface is rarely the most comfortable experience – even if it’s not as bad as back pain – so try to find some cushioning with an underlay.
Don’t Skip Meals
Do not skip meals before going to bed because the result will worsen because of your back pain. Instead, try to eat more foods like broccoli, green leafy vegetables, sauerkraut, lentils, and other high-fiber foods. Your digestive system will work better in an hour or so, and you can get rid of the pain related to the stress factor.
Focus On Your Sleeping Hygiene
Sleep hygiene can help you sleep better during and after episodes of lower back pain by improving your sleep habits. It can also help during acute episodes of lower back pain by reducing your stress levels during the day, worsening your symptoms.
Furthermore, proper sleep hygiene entails a sleeping environment and daily activities that encourage regular, uninterrupted sleep. Having a consistent sleep schedule, a comfortable and distraction-free bedroom, a soothing pre-bed ritual, and developing healthy behaviors during the day can all help you achieve optimal sleep hygiene.
Remove Distractions
You should avoid excessive noise and light in your bedroom, or you can use a sleep mask or earplugs to block out those distractions. Set the temperature in your bedroom to a level that will keep you comfortable during the night. Also, you should limit your use of phone or other gadgets 30 minutes to an hour before going to sleep. Distractions like that will prevent you from having a good night’s sleep, and the result might be worst because of your back pain.
Talk To Your Doctor
If you’re still bothered by your back pain, then you might want to visit your doctor. If you have a severe problem, then your doctor will prescribe medication. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin can help you fall asleep and build typical sleeping patterns. However, it’s crucial to remember that drugs are tools, not cures, for dealing with pain and should only be used with your doctor’s approval.
Consider CBD products
One of the most common questions for people living with chronic pain is what they can do to sleep well. It’s important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, but using CBD products seems like a good starting point. CBD, or cannabidiol, is becoming an increasingly popular option for those living with back pain due to its natural properties and ability to help individuals relax and fall asleep easier.
Unfortunately, most pharmaceutical drugs have side effects that prevent them from being used to treat insomnia. In contrast, cannabidiol products don’t have any side effects and can be taken any time of the day or night without affecting a person’s sleep. As a result, people who take this product often find themselves sleeping through the night and waking up feeling refreshed and rested.
As mentioned above, sleep and pain have a complex connection. To sleep better, you have to eliminate or reduce the pain you are feeling. At the same time, you have to sleep better to reduce back pain.
Furthermore, you will feel worse if you don’t address this issue. Sleep deprivation may impede healing, alter mood in a way that increases pain sensitivity, or change chemicals in the brain that affect how we perceive pain.