A few years back …

It all started, as I didn’t have the time to cook for myself and was constantly swapping healthy, nourishing food for convenience food, the beginning of my story … which went on for quite a while until I decided to change it, by founding Private DetoxBox, a healthy food delivery service back in 2012.

But over the years it became very clear, that even with the healthiest of foods on my side, I needed a good night sleep to manage a well balanced lifestyle… and perform at my best!

True Story – Healthy food in my life TICK!… but, my fight with my chronic inflammations and dealing with insomnia still went on. That’s why I kept on searching for natural treatments! And believe me, I have spent a lot of time, effort & research on that subject, as I was not willing to live on antiphlogistics for the rest of my life. So shouldn’t you!

My personal journey incited me to build and establish PurePure, a wellness company that provides functional, natural treatments to bring your health to the next level by reducing chronic inflammations, improving pain and sleep quality as it accelerate the body’s natural healing process. And in the spirit of Private DetoxBox, all our products are Bio & Swiss Made to support your health on a natural & healthy base, so that you can continue doing what you love the most: Living your life to the fullest, rested!





PurePure @purepure.cbd

PrivateDetoxBox @privatedetoxbox