IS AcnE Only Hormonal?
People always say, “It’s your hormones,” when you’re breaking out. Sure, that sounds fine, acne has various causes, but it is mainly a hormonal disorder. Hormones are responsible for the growth of our sebaceous glands, and we only get acne when they mature, which occurs during puberty.
However, hormones aren’t the only factor to consider, and it is only one of the many factors that lead to acne production. There is also a significant genetic factor, and you’re more likely to get acne if someone in your family has had it.
Furthermore, it’s also difficult to tell the difference between a typical breakout and one triggered by our hormones. Changes in hormone levels during the month increase the production of pore-clogging oils.
What is Acne?
By the way, what is acne? Before knowing about its causes, it is right to know about acne first. At the most superficial level, acne is the clogging of the tiny openings in the skin known as pores.
Furthermore, acne is more common during certain life stages, such as puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause, because of the changes in a person’s body. It induces pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads, and teenagers are the most affected by acne, but it affects people of all ages.
Causes of Acne
Here are some factors you should keep in mind if you wonder what other causes could lead to acne.
Hormones play a significant role in the development of acne. Androgen receptors, such as estrogen and testosterone, are the leading players.
Sebaceous glands swell and produce more oil when androgen hormones, specifically testosterone, are present. Androgens can also make the pore a more inviting environment for acne-causing bacteria.
Since acne is regular during pregnancy and menopause, estrogen and progesterone play a role in acne production, but the exact effect on the sebaceous glands is unclear.
There is no such thing as an acne gene. Genetics, on the other hand, can affect whether or not you’re susceptible to acne. Acne-causing causes, on the other hand, are characteristics that can be passed down from generation to generation.
Hormones and lifestyle factors, in addition to genetics, may influence skin and breakouts. However, you can treat acne no matter what is causing it.
In addition to that, some families may have a genetic propensity to develop excessive amounts of dead skin cells, leading to clogged pores and acne. Alternatively, a family line may have a hereditary tendency to overproduce sebum, resulting in oily skin that traps bacteria in pores and triggers breakouts.
Factors Involving Physiological
It would be best if you are always wary about these three factors contributing to acne development. First is the abnormal shedding of dead skin, the process of constantly creating a new skin is called desquamation. It is a normal process of our skin.
However, this process can also lead to acne if it doesn’t happen properly. When the process is disturbed, more skin cells are being produced than usual, and they are lingering longer than necessary. Comedones are produced when excess skin cells clog the pores.
The second is the spread of bacteria that cause acne. Propionibacteria acne is a common skin bacteria that isn’t a sign of filthiness. On the other hand, acne victims have more of these bacteria on their skin, and their skin is more susceptible to them. These bacteria irritate the skin, resulting in inflammation and inflamed pimples.
The last one is the sebaceous glands. It is responsible for producing oil called sebum that keeps the skin lubricated. Sebum on the skin’s surface isn’t the problem; a blockage occurs when sebum gets stuck within the pore. It’s important to remember that acne can affect people with dry skin as well.
It would help if you always watched what you eat. You can guarantee that food alone cannot cause acne. However, certain foods can aggravate it, while others can help your skin remain healthy. Foods can only cause a reaction if you have acne-prone and overly oily skin or have poor gut health and don’t have a proper washing routine.
In addition to that, diet is one factor that can influence your skin. Some foods increase blood sugar levels faster than others. When your blood sugar levels rise rapidly, the body releases the hormone insulin. Excess insulin in the bloodstream will cause your oil glands to produce more oil, raising your acne risk.
Stages of Life
Though teen years are the most common and prime years for acne growth, acne can occur at any age due to hormonal changes in the body. Adult acne is caused by the same factors that cause teen acne: too much oil on the skin and bacteria.
Furthermore, excess fat may be caused by any hormonal changes, including those caused by pregnancy and menstruation. Acne tends to be more prevalent in women who smoke.
How to Prevent Acne?
Unfortunately, our hormone levels are frequently out of our grasp. However, we should concentrate on the factors within our control and create an atmosphere in our bodies to minimize or prevent acne from worsening. For certain people, the following advice will help them avoid getting acne. Others will assist you in lessening the extent of your acne.
Eat the Right Foods
When we eat carbohydrates, our bodies turn them to sugar (glucose), which we use for energy. The glycemic index (GI) of a food is determined by how quickly we convert carbohydrates into sugar. High-GI foods boost insulin levels, which can induce sebum development and inflammation and increase androgen levels, leading to acne.
Clean Your Skin
Washing and cleaning your skin removes grease, dead skin cells, bacteria, and other toxins that have accumulated on your skin during the day. It won’t affect how much oil your skin creates, but it will help keep your pores from being clogged by removing oil and other particles.
Take Control of the Levels of Stress
Since stress raises hormone cortisol levels linked to oil production and breakouts, it’s crucial to prioritize your mental and physical health. Stress reduction can reduce oil production and reduce the likelihood of a breakout.
You shouldn’t be blaming yourself if you have acne, first because there are some things that people cannot control, such as acne, because there are many factors that can lead to that. And second, acne is treatable. One thing to remember to help you get rid of acne is to take care of your health.