What To Do If You Have Stomach Pain?
If you’ve ever experienced stomach pain, you may be wondering what it could mean. You’ll be relieved to know that most cases are nothing more than an upset stomach, with far more down-to-earth causes like eating something too spicy or simply drinking too much milk before bedtime.
Furthermore, dealing with a minor case of stomach aches is one thing, but it can interfere with day-to-day living when this becomes chronic and unrelenting. This article will cover the causes of stomach pain and what you can do to get rid of it.
Causes Of Stomach Pain
We get angry sometimes, and that anger can give us the impression that our stomachs are upset. It is the wrong assumption, as it is just a symptom of something else going on in our bodies. Like with any other sort of pain, if you feel like your stomach is hurting, you should check out how it compares to yourself in different situations and see what else could happen.
The following are the most common causes of stomach pain and are also the most likely misdiagnoses:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects the muscles surrounding your intestines, and they don’t function properly. The gut is unable to absorb nutrients equally, leading to discomfort and bloating. One of the most common causes of stomach pain is IBS, and its prevalence is equal to that of irritable bladder syndrome.
Heartburn is caused by gastric acid coming back up the esophagus and burning the inner lining of the esophagus. Certain foods can cause it, but there are other issues at play. Stress can cause heartburn, as can be eating too quickly. Smoking slows down digestion, which in turn slows down the digestion of food in your stomach.
Furthermore, heartburn leads to a burning sensation on the chest accompanied by a sour taste in your mouth. Excess weight often exacerbates heartburn issues, as does wearing tight clothing around your middle region or eating spicy foods.
This particular illness comes from the stomach and intestines. Bacteria, viruses or a parasite invade the digestive tract and cause inflammation. The most common cause of gastroenteritis is E. coli, but other bacteria can also trigger this problem. There are two main types of gastroenteritis – viral and bacterial – with viral being the more common of the two.
Nausea And Vomiting
It is one of those things that can be caused by both a virus or certain bacteria. The most common cause of nausea and vomiting is a virus. Salmonella, E. coli, and norovirus are the most common causes of nausea and vomiting. A stomach virus can also cause hiccups, but they aren’t necessarily caused by heartburn (the hiccup is caused by not being able to swallow appropriately).
Things To Do If You Have Stomach Pain
There are a few ways to deal with stomach pain. You’ll need to find the proper method depending on your stomach pain trigger and severity. Regardless of what it is that causes this stabbing or triggering agony that seems to make you want to throw out all your dinners for a day or two, there are ways you can relieve yourself of this discomfort substantially.
The following is a list of methods and tips to help you manage this type of pain, along with an explanation of what they are and their benefits. Bear in mind that these methods can work for different types of stomach pain, not just pain from stomach ulcers or other types of gastric disorders.
It is often used in conjunction with other techniques such as pressure point therapy to complement them both. In some cases, it can serve as a helpful addition to the treatment if you know what specific places you need to press on your body when dealing with severe pain from stomach upset or intestinal disorder.
The acupressure points on your body differ depending on the region of the body that is ailing. For instance, there are four types of acupressure points for the stomach or abdomen: Spleen, Heart, Liver, and Gallbladder.
Pressure Point Therapy
It is a technique that requires you to apply pressure to several specific points in your body. The idea is that pressing on these areas will help relieve some of the pain caused by inflammation and other issues with your stomach and intestines.
By using this technique, you can apply different types of pressure to your stomach’s skin, for instance, such as pumping various forms of heat onto other areas to help bring down inflammation triggered by irritation.
As its name suggests, acupuncture involves inserting needles throughout your body. It is a particular form of therapy that allows the practitioner to pinpoint specific areas where there is pain and focus on that area by injecting needles into it.
Acupuncturists are often trained in the ancient Chinese medicine tradition and are well-versed in mixing eastern and western medicines. Although this is not always the case, many physicians performing acupuncture are trained in accredited universities.
In some cases, aspirin is used to treat stomach ailment pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Aspirin belongs to the chemical class of salicylates. It can help reduce and control inflammation triggered by bacterial and viral infections (such as the flu), various digestive disorders, and injuries or other forms of tissue damage.
It also helps reduce pain and inflammation caused by angina, asthma, arthritis, viral infections (particularly the common cold), gallstones, ulcers, and sprains.
Bacopa Monnieri And Ginger Root
These two different herbs belong to the same family and have been used for centuries in Asia as anti-inflammatory and mood enhancement medications. They can be used together or separately to treat stomach ailments, including chronic inflammation, indigestion, and gastritis. Bacopa monnieri is also known as Brahmi or Indian Ginseng and has been used in many ancient remedies for centuries.
While ginger root is traditionally used in ayurvedic medicine to treat stomach ailments, it is also used as a digestive aid for nausea, indigestion, spasms, and cramps. These remedies are natural drugs that do not have any known side effects and can be safely used in any form.
Parsley Seed Oil
This oil helps reduce the inflammation of the stomach lining and is used to treat inflammation of the lower esophagus (a condition known as peptic ulcer disease). It contains caffeic acid, which helps neutralize stomach acid and block the effect of its secretions. Coffee is thought to have anti-ulcerative properties, and it is used to treat peptic ulcer disease.
Cumin is an herb that looks like a caraway seed. It is often used as a spice in Indian food. You can also eat it raw, make pesto with it, or mix with olive oil and use it topically on your stomach for stomach pain.
If you experience abdominal discomfort from gas or diarrhea, drinking 1 cup of cumin tea can help improve your symptoms. In heartburn caused by overeating, cumin will effectively soothe the inflamed esophagus lining and relieve pain. If you are experiencing chronic abdominal pain with no identifiable cause, try drinking one cup of cumin tea per day to see if there’s a difference in your stomach’s condition after four weeks.
Many people often experience stomach pain, and a variety of different reasons can cause it. The most common reasons are gas, dehydration, illness, and food intolerances. If you’re experiencing stomach pain for the first time, or you have any reason to believe it may be due to anything else, visit your doctor as soon as possible- they’ll be able to help diagnose the problem and provide advice on what to do next.