Best Winter Exercises

The winter is coming, which means being lazy and timid is unavoidable, resulting in unwanted fats. Want to keep your fitness trim and healthy during winter? You can perform different exercises to build muscle, reduce stress, and stay in shape for the cold season. The following are the best winter exercises that you can try.

Plank Position

You can perform this exercise for 10 or more minutes a day. Lie straight on the floor with palms in front of you, and keep your back straight while you stretch your arms and legs. Hold in this position for 2-3 minutes, or you can add more time when you get used to it. It will tone up your abs, chest, arms, and shoulders while keeping them fit. By strengthening the abdominal muscles, it will help to improve core stability and coordination.

Knee Raise     

It is a simple way to build your muscle mass. It also comes in handy when you are trying to work out a bit during the winter while wearing gloves. It differs from bent knee sit-ups by initially extending the hips and knees upward toward the chest, then lowering them down. When you repeat this series of motions 10 times for each leg, it will start to tone up your shoulders, thighs, and abs.


Squatting is one of the best exercises for a variety of reasons. The most obvious reason is that it can provide you with essential benefits such as improving your balance and strength in different muscle groups of your body. 

To squat down:

  1. Lie on the ground while keeping your feet as close to shoulder distance apart as possible.
  2. Extend your knees, and then bend them until they are at a 90-degree angle, in which you will keep your hips low and chest high.
  3. As you breathe out the last of your air, push off of the ground with your hands until the knees are bent again.

Standing Stretch

It is essential to stretch the muscles by doing exercises such as the standing stretch because stretching results in flexibility. Flexibility helps to reduce the chances of injury during physical activities, improves blood flow, and reduces your recovery time. Stand up straight or near a wall for support with your feet together, then lean forward while keeping the back straight until you feel mild discomfort. Hold it there for 2-3 minutes while breathing slowly and deeply.

Standing Side Stretch 

Standing side stretch is a great exercise to tone your abdominal muscles and lower back. It helps to make sure that the body is flexible so that you can enjoy being fit without having to compromise your comfortability. Stand up straight or near a wall for support with your feet together, then lean to one side while keeping the back straight until you feel mild discomfort. Next, hold it there for 2-3 minutes while breathing slowly and deeply.

Bird-dog Position 

Like the plank position, the bird-dog position will help tone up your abdominal muscles and strengthen core stability and coordination. Lie on your stomach for this exercise, and then lift both your arms and legs upward. Next, hold this position for 5 or more seconds, or until you are comfortable with it. It will build up muscles in your lower back while also improving core strength and comfortability.

Medicine Ball Toss

Medic ball toss is a fun way to tone both the upper and lower abdominals. Begin by standing with your feet wide apart. Lift one foot about 6 inches off of the floor while holding a medicine ball in that hand. Next, throw it forward as far as you can while keeping the foot as straight as possible. It should come down toward your butt to work on both sides of the body. Do this 10 times on each side for maximum results.

Box Jumps

Box jumps are a great exercise to stay fit, as well as improve overall fitness. Start by standing in front of a sturdy box about knee height, then jump onto the box. After landing, step down and do the exercise again while increasing the height of the box each time you do it. These are simple but effective ways to get a flat belly with no further complications.

One-legged Stand

This exercise will help you tone your lower body. You’ll start by standing on one leg, and while keeping the other leg straight out in front of you, lift that foot 6 inches off the floor. Following these directions ideally will lead to a more muscular, toned lower body and better balance at the same time.

One-legged Squat

This exercise will help you tone your lower body. Start by standing on one leg, and while keeping the other straight out in front of you, lift that foot 6 inches off the floor. Following these directions ideally will lead to a more robust, toned lower body and better balance at the same time.

The Dog Position

This exercise will help you tone your lower body. Begin in the down-stay position, on your hands and knees with your butt dropped down between your knees. Make sure to keep your back straight and head up while following these directions perfectly will lead to a more robust, toned lower body and better balance at the same time.

The Hanging Position  

The hanging position, in some ways, is the best of both worlds. You get the pull of a gravity you get with skater squats and lunges without worrying about balance or needing to work on flexibility. The only problem is, if you want to hang from the bar, you need a power rack or a power cage. There are variations on the primary hanging position that can make it more effective for targeting tone and definition in your glutes and hamstrings.

Bending Stretch 

The bending stretch is a variation that targets the lower body by varying the angle of the torso. The first step is to grasp the pull-up bar with a shoulder-width overhand grip, then move your feet back until they are several inches in front of your knees and perpendicular to your torso. It will put you in a position where you will be working most of your body from the waist up.

Glutes Flexions 

This exercise is a great way to tone up your glutes and legs. It helps to strengthen the core while also working on flexibility and coordination. Start by standing in front of a sturdy box about knee height, then jump onto the box. After landing, step down and do the exercise again while increasing the height of the box each time you do it.


Lunges are an effective exercise that works your lower body. They are a great cross-training exercise for sports such as running, basketball, and soccer. To perform a lunge, stand with your feet together and parallel to each other. Step forward with one leg to about 45 degrees from the ground, and bring the knee of that foot up to form a 90-degree angle or quarter squat position. 

Next, push off the ground with both feet while bending over at the waist until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your torso slightly bent at all times during lunges if you want them to be most effective for toning and definition.

Core Exercises

This exercise is the core version of the bicycle. You will begin by lying on your back with your feet raised, knees bent, lifting one hand off the floor and extending it toward the ceiling. Your elbow should be bent and palm facing up while twisting your hips to one side. Then, switch sides by alternating sides with each repetition for an effective abdominal workout.


Crunches are an effective abdominal exercise that can be performed either on a ball or on the floor to develop stronger abdominal muscles. To perform this exercise correctly, lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Next, bend at your hips until you can place both hands behind your head with fingers interlaced.

Jumping Jacks

This exercise will help you increase core strength as well as improve flexibility and coordination. Start by standing in front of a sturdy box about knee height, then jump onto the box. After landing, step down and do the exercise again while increasing the size of the box each time you do it.


Before you start a new exercise routine or add more exercises into an existing one, always consult a professional such as an occupational therapist or physical therapist first. These professionals know how much time you need to put in the effort before seeing significant results from exercises such as the ones listed above.